Call for Communities

 What is a Call for Communities?

Codemotion has always put its value on tech communities and was created as a platform for platform for networking and knowledge exchange.  Last year, we took our collaboration with communities one step further and offered a separate community stage (in addition to the regular three stages for presenters). The idea turned out be a great success, and we are looking forward to do the same in 2017!

Like last year every participating community has the chance to assign one community member to hold a presentation. The talk can feature the communities’ field of interest as well as topics around building, organizing and sustaining a (developer) community. Talks are 20 minutes long.

How do we define the term “community“?

We define the term community as a group of people who have created structures to actively share information about a field of interest they are passionate about. This can be a meetup or a branch of a well-established international community with elaborated structures.

Got questions or remarks regarding our Call for Communities? Please get in touch with Nadine and Ekaterina via

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